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Below you will see 24 groups of words describing style. Each group contains a dropdown box containing 4 lines of words. For each group select the line of words that MOST describes your style.

Make ONE selection in the MOST column for that line. Then select the line of words that LEAST describes your style in that group. Make ONE selection in the LEAST column.

Repeat this process in the remaining 23 word groups. Refer to example below before proceeding

Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least
Most Least

A number of controversial statements or questions with two alternative answers are given below. Indicate your personal preferences by selecting appropriate answers in the right of each question. Some of the alternatives may appear equally attractive or unattractive to you. Nevertheless, please attempt to choose the alternative that is relatively more acceptable to you.


Directions: Each of the following situations or questions is followed by four possible attitudes or answers. Arrange these answers in the order of your personal preference by writing, in the appropriate box at right, a score of 4, 3, 2, or 1. To the statement you prefer most give 4, to the statement that is second most attractive 3, and so on. You may think of answers which would be preferable from your point of view to any of those listed. It is necessary, however, that you make your selection from the alternatives presented, and arrange all four in order of their desirability, guessing when your preferences are not distinct. If you find it really impossible to state your preference, you may omit the question. Be sure not to assign more than one 4, one 3, etc, for each question

1. Do you think that a good government should aim to -- (Remember to give your first choice 4, etc.)

2. In your opinion, can a person who works in business all week best spend Sunday in --

3. If you could influence the educational policies of schools of some city, would you undertake --

4. Do you prefer a friend (of your own sex) who --

5. If you lived in a small town and had more than enough income for your needs, would you prefer to --

6. When you go to the theater, do you, as a rule, enjoy most --

7. Assuming that you are a person with the necessary ability, and that the salary for each of the following occupations is the same, would you prefer to be a --

8. If you had sufficient leisure time and money, would you prefer to --

9. At an evenings discussion with friends of your own sex, are you more interested in talking about --

10. Which of the following would you prefer to do during part of your next summer vacation (if your ability and other conditions would permit) --

11. Do great exploits and adventures of discovery such as Columbus's, Darwin's, Cook's and Amundsen's seem to you significant because --

12. Should one guide one's conduct according to, or develop one's chief loyalties toward --

13. To what extent do the following famous persons interest you --

14. (For Men) In choosing a wife, would you prefer a woman who -- (Women answer question below

14. (For women) In choosing a husband, you would prefer a man who --

15. Viewing Leonardo da Vinci's painting. "The Last Supper", would you tend to think of it --
